Message From Pastor Kenny
Dear family and friends,
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and it's also our day of voting. To clarify, no one is running against anyone else and so you can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each of the candidates. All of these candidates are put forth by the nominating committee.
We are also voting for our budget for the next fiscal year and for trustees of our ‘Missions Trust Fund’ which is outside our budget, but which is managed. The principal is not touched but the monies made in interest are given to the Missions Committee for the benefit of our missionaries.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’” Matthew 11:28-30
Notice how Jesus describes Himself here: He is humble and gentle at heart. He is not severe or unforgiving, He’s not trying to frustrate all your efforts. It’s like His posture toward you is with open arms, inviting you to Himself. Humble and gentle. He is gentle for those who are struggling and humble for those who are the lowliest among us.
When I read this invitation from Jesus, I think of Christian, the pilgrim in John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress.” He is carrying a very heavy burden and then when he gets to the Cross, he lets it down there and senses a tremendous relief.
Are you burdened? Are you tired? Jesus invites you to spend some time in His presence just being with Him. When you talk to Him and cast your cares on Him, He promises a peace that passes all understanding.
If you haven’t spent some personal time with Him today, I hope you can plan to do so before the end of this day, just being with Him. Talk to Him. Allow Him to speak to your heart as you read His love letter to you, His Word, the Bible.
Are you praying for some of your non-Christian friends to come to faith? Have you invited any of them to join you next Sunday for breakfast? Please do!
In preparation for this Sunday, please read 1 John 5:1-5.
PARKING - If you are healthy and able please park on the of the side streets over these next couple weeks - at least through Easter. As much as possible, we want to leave our parking lot for those who are not able-bodied, families with small children, the elderly, and those who are our guests. Thank you.
GUESTS - If there are people you see that you don’t recognize, assume that they are new and introduce yourself to them and welcome them to our campus. Even if they happen to be someone who’s been around for a while, you can enjoy meeting somebody new.
GRADUATES - If you are graduating from any school or program this Spring, or you know someone at church who is, please let the office know ASAP as we want to honor you/them.
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE – March 29, at 7 PM in the sanctuary we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper together. You are invited to join us! Childcare will be offered for 0-5 year olds in The Ark.
EASTER SCHEDULE (March 31st) - Sunday worship at 8:30 and 11AM. It will be the same service musically and the same message. A catered breakfast will be served in Fellowship Hall from 9:00-10:30AM. Our kids program will happen in both The Ark and The Harbor during second service. Please invite your family and friends! If you are able to park in the street and walk a little, we want to save parking for our seniors and handicapped, families and guests. Thank you! (There will be nothing special for children at the 8:30AM service. Also, Adult Sunday Schools will not meet on Easter morning.)
FATHER & SON RETREAT – April 5-7, at Borrego Springs Air Ranch, $40 per person. Sign-up on the patio between services or contact Ben Vigil directly at or 503-810-8208.
GUYS BREAKFAST – April 6, at 8 AM in the Fellowship Hall, Mike Price, a member of the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team, will continue our 2024 discussion on Servant Leadership. Beginning with the question “What is God’s view of work?” Mike will be sharing some principles that enable and encourage men to use their influence for God’s Kingdom through their work. Guys of all ages are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. As always, it’s potluck, so be sure to bring your favorite guy food for 6-8 guys.
PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS – Sunday, April 7 at 12 PM in The Upper Room Sign up on the back of your Welcome Card or talk to Pastor Kenny Are you new and have you not yet been to this event? Unsure of who the pastors are? Join us so we can all get to know one another. If you have not attended this even before, you are invited!!
PROPOSED 2024-2025 UPDATED CANDIDATE BIOGRAPHIES AND BUDGET – These are available on the entryway table. Please familiarize yourself with these individuals and with the budget. This Sunday, March 24th, is our Member Day of Voting on these important people and our budget.
LIVING WATERS MINISTRY now has a foster closet! This foster closet is to provide clothing, diapers, wipes, and necessary equipment for ages birth to age 5 for foster families in the Clairemont community. This also includes single parents and grandparents that have to take care of their grandkids on a permanent basis. We are seeking any gently used or new items to add to our foster closet located at 4347 Mount Henry Ave. Questions? Please contact or 619-997-2079.
CONSTRUCTION WORK ALONG CLAIREMONT DRIVE – Construction work continues along Clairemont Drive and, because of barriers they’ve put up, if you’re coming from the direction of Balboa Ave, it’s impossible to turn left onto Galveston St. from Clairemont Drive, so you will need to go to Denver Street, turn left there, and enter the church from the Ingulf Street side. This construction does look to be in place for some time to come.
CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP - Are you a Vet of any branch of military service? Please stop by our table tomorrow to sign up for our newsletter and find out about upcoming events or call Dana Taylor at 760-533-1447.
MEN & WOMEN CEBC SERVICE PROJECT – Generate Hope service project is TOMORROW Saturday March 23rd. All volunteers have been contacted. Please pray for the folks volunteering as this happens..
READ THROUGH THE BIBLE – Whether you want to read through the Bible in a year or just keep track of your reading, we have a small half-sheet of paper that allows you to mark off every chapter you read. These are available at the welcome table.
MINISTRY TABLES – If you are a leader of one of our many ministries and would like a table on the patio, contact the office (619-276-1922) to schedule a Sunday!
PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – If you’re aware of people who are sick or stuck at home or just lonely, pray for them and give them a call. Many of them have been contacted by you and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them.
WELCOME CARDS – are located at the Welcome Table on the patio or in the acrylic containers on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one and fill it out if you’d like a call from a pastor, if you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, etc. Once filled out, put the cards in the white offering boxes on the wall in the sanctuary. You can also sign up and share a prayer request on-line at
CHILDREN MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – A lot of children are a blessing. That also means that we have need for a lot of volunteers to help out. Some folks have responded (Thank you!!) but we are still looking for dedicated leaders to minister to our children on Sunday mornings. Contact Susan Robinson at 619-985-5188. Specific updated needs are listed below.
Harbor (10:05-12:05)
Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Harbor Assistant (4)
1-2 Sundays per month
Help with check-in, bathroom breaks, and help in classrooms when needed
Kindergarten helper (1)
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom management while the teacher leads the lesson
Worship Leader (1)
1 Sunday per month
Lead the music during large group worship (leading motions along with videos is fine!)
Ark (10:05-12:05)
Babies through Preschool Age
Ark Assistant (4)
1-2 Sunday per month
Help with check-in/out, bathroom breaks, and help in classrooms when needed
Baby / Monkey Room helper (2)
1 Sunday per month
Care for babies during
Preschool / Toucan Room helper (1)
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom management while the teacher leads the lesson
Special Needs leader (2)
2 Sundays per month
Be a “buddy” for a child with special needs
AV MINISTRY – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology/ sound), contact Pastor Zach (858-322-2105) or one of the guys in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team. We have recently lost a couple folks who have moved away and are looking for some others to help in this area!
COFFEE MINISTRY - Do you love coffee, donuts, and people? We would love for you to join us in serving Sunday mornings, once a month, with the coffee ministry. Please contact John Kirk at or 858-531-3695.
CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP – If you are a veteran or active military, you should at least be aware of this group. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PDF with all the information. If you would like more information or have questions contact Dana at
ELOY’S RETIREMENT PARTY (APRIL 21) – We will be having an all-church retirement dinner party for Pastor Eloy and Becky on this date. Please mark your calendar!
IMPORTANT PRAYER REQUEST – We have several people in the church who are officially on hospice. Please pray for Gloria Anderson, John Seiferth, James Tate, and Hal Throckmorton. PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM AND FOR THEIR FAMILIES.
PRESCHOOL TEACHING POSITION – Full-time position open for Teacher Assistant at Grace Kids Preschool, a faith-based center, located in the North Park area. Minimum of 6 units early childhood education classes required. $18-$20 an hour, depending on experience and units. Contact CEBC member Mary Moser at
MOTHERS OF PRE-SCHOOLERS PROGRAM at Canyon View Church of Christ at Balboa and Clairemont Drive, is looking for 1-3 more employees. It is every other Wednesday from 9:15-11:45. The pay is $40/week. You must be 18, with a valid ID, pass a background check, and fill out an I-9. If you’re interested, please contact Sheri Allen at, 619-972-2656.
Other Announcements
ALL WOMEN are invited to a dedicated time of prayer each week on Thursdays at Tracy Rickert’s home at 1:45PM. Contact Tracy for more information at 619-376-0553.
SEE SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE AT CHURCH? – Please don’t assume that someone else will greet them. Will YOU go up and introduce yourself to them and welcome them this Sunday at Clairemont Emmanuel!!
GUYS GAME DAY – On the FIRST Saturday of the month (NEXT TIME will be Saturday, APRIL 6 from 9:30AM – 11:30AM, following the guy’s breakfast) we’ll be having an outdoor game time with pickleball and spike ball for guys aged 13 and up. ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME. Two courts on the west side of Fellowship Hall, lower area – outside of the Youth Room. Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game, and open play. Paddles are available or bring your own. If you have any question, call, or text Russ VandeVegte at 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels at 619-972-5976.
OTHER GUY CONNECTIONS – Men, pick one of these groups and join in – especially this summer!
1. Men’s golf group - Mark Ritter (541-219-9184). Going again soon!
2. Inductive Bible Study method - David Wu (619-913-3021) Saturdays 730-8:30AM
3. Men’s Surf / Breakfast club - Mike Uyboco (619-770-0348) Wednesday mornings 5:30AM.
4. Running Club - Charles Yin (619-581-0073) currently forming, will determine day/time.
5. Tuesday morning Bible study, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619-209-1237)
6. Thursday morning book club, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619-209-1237)
7. Thursday “Happy Hour”. Bay Hill Tavern. 5PM. Todd Simpson (858-717-2939)
8. Saturday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Saturday morning - except for the 1st Saturday of the month. Fellowship Hall, 7AM. Byron Harrold (619-890-4393)
9. Grace Book Club. CEBC. Bruce Payne, (858-220-4865)
10. Guys Game Saturdays. Pickle Ball, etc. 1st Saturday morning of each month, following the men’s prayer breakfast Russ VandeVegte 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels (619-972-5976).
INTERESTED IN JOINING A SMALL GROUP? Would you like to start or join a small group? Participants decide the frequency and scope of their gatherings. Small groups meet together for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Small groups are an integral part of our church community. Most meet regularly in the home of a group member. It may include dinner from time-to-time. If you haven’t found a group in your area, please let us know! Call or text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) or Sean Hibbs (619-920-4196).
CO-ED PICKLE BALL AT CEBC – on the third Saturday of the month (next time will be TOMORROW Saturday, March 16) Pickleball games and lessons will be available for men and women aged 13 and up from 8:30AM - 10:30AM. All skill levels are welcome. Two courts on the west side of the Fellowship Hall, lower area. Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game and open play. Paddles available or bring your own. If you have any questions, text or call Dan Cassels (619-972-5976) or Russ Van de Vegte (619-990-9643).
PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – If you’re aware of people who are sick, or stuck at home, or just lonely, pray for them and, by all means, give them a call! Many of them have been contacted by you and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them.
AFTER-SERVICE PRAYER – We will continue to invite people to come forward for prayer at the end of the service. Please know that this is an invitation for you to come forward and pray about anything that God has put on your heart. Of course to know the Lord, or to make spiritual decisions, but also to pray for anything personal you’d like prayer for. You might have a special prayer request for family, friends, work, etc. Maybe it’s on your heart to come and pray for our pastors, missionaries, staff, youth, children, or one of our other ministries, etc. Our team is available to pray with you about anything God puts on your heart. Please come and join us.
DOG: UP FOR ADOPTION - A Rhodesian Ridgeback is looking for a home. If interested, contact Gail Higgins at 858-449-0401.
Other Ministry Opportunities
WRITE A LETTER/CARD – Some of our senior would LOVE to hear from you. It doesn’t need to be long – just short and sweet – these folks would be ministered to when they find out you’re thinking of them:
Gloria Anderson, Villa Lorena, 14640 Via Fiesta, San Diego, CA 92127
Andy and Ruth Anderson, 6969 Bacontree Way, San Diego, CA 92111
Dave Costantino, 4560 Miami Way, San Diego, CA 92117
Dean and Dona Fitzgerald, 2340 4th Ave #12, San Diego, CA 92108
Mary Gibsen, 8515 Costa Verde Blvd #1206, San Diego, CA 92122
Diane Hebert, 1543 Galveston St, San Diego, CA 92110
Connie Mitchell, 4650 Mt. Laudo Dr, San Diego, CA 92117
Henry and Sue Redmon, 4271 Caledonia Dr., San Diego, CA 92111
Gwen Soderberg, 4473 Charger Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117
Ken and JoAnn Wadleigh, 4806 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA 92117
If you know of others to add here, please text names and addresses to Pastor Kenny.
AV MINISTRY – If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology/ sound), contact Michael Schenk via email or Stephen Carpenter in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team.
“SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN” is a Christ-centered organization that provides safe, temporary homes for families in crisis. “Safe Families” works through volunteers that are willing to become “Host Families.” These volunteers open up their homes temporarily to children in our community who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, etc. or whose parents are dealing with a crisis of their own, without any support. The intent is to provide safe shelter for the children, relief and support to the parent(s), and ultimately to help strengthen the family and get them back on their feet.
If you are interested in getting more information or becoming a volunteer “Host Family”, please contact Jona (858-232-2258) or Brooke Dumitru (951-553-6578).
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER MARRIAGE WEEKEND - Here is the link with information for the Weekend to Remember marriage conference. Here’s the link to register or for more information:
There are multiple locations and dates for Southern California:
· Anaheim 3/8-3/10
· Redondo Beach 3/15-3/17
· Ventura Beach 4/19-4/21
· San Diego 11/22-11/24
If you put Clairemont Emmanuel (CEBC) as the group name you’re signing up under, we can potentially get points to go toward a free registration in the future and we could then we can use that for a scholarship.
SILENT VOICES –Although they do not have a table on the patio, we have the opportunity to help restock the Silent Voices pantry with baby supplies (diapers, blankets, baby wipes, personal hygiene items, clothing, etc.). Silent Voices is a Christian pro-life pregnancy center founded and run by member Sharon Pearce, that provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, and support to mothers and babies in our community who need help. If you have any questions about the ministry outreach, please contact Sharon Pearce (619-851-5336) or Paul Champlin (619-209-1237).
GREETING AND USHERING – If you are interested in greeting and ushering, talk to Pastor Eloy on Sunday morning or to Timothy Hulbert (first service) or Justin Hoech (second service).
2024 Class Schedule
· All classes are held in The Upper Room from 2-5PM
· Text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) if you’re interested in reserving a spot for any of these classes.
· Our goal is that every member takes each one of the classes.
April 28 Discipleship Class
May 26 Membership Class
June 30 Ministry Class
2024 Class Schedule
· All classes are held in The Upper Room from 2-5PM
· Text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) if you’re interested in reserving a spot for any of these classes.
· Our goal is that every member takes each one of the classes.
April 28 Discipleship Class
May 26 Membership Class
June 30 Ministry Class
FEMALE ROOMMATE (ONLY) WANTED - Looking for a female roommate in an unfurnished two-bedroom (one bath) unit in North Park, $1103 month-to-month lease. Gas/ electric and internet is split evenly (about $100 total per person monthly). No pets. Move-in date would be 4/15 (possibly sooner). If interested or for more information, contact Sunshine at (619) 452-5064.
WANTED – A CEBC SINGLE WOMAN is looking for a room to rent. She is 63 and would like to pay around $975.
LOOKING FOR JOBS – Several folks are looking for jobs or to change jobs. If you happen to have a job or your business is looking for someone, let me know and I can pass it on if appropriate.
MEMBER JAMES TATE IS LOOKING FOR HOUSING – This is Joyce’s son who is currently struggling with a bout of cancer and is going through chemo. He is looking for a room to rent. If you have one, please contact James at 619-755-5810.
NANNYING – One of our Young Career gals, Abbie Bishop, is currently teaching grade school at an international school in Ecuador, working at the same school where Christine Passmore is principal. Aaron Passmore, Christine’s husband, will be joining our CEBC pastoral staff on September 1 of this year. He oversees the ministry of the school and a number of other ministries. Abbie will return to San Diego in June and is looking to possibly nanny for a family. If you’re interested, you can contact Abbie directly at 909-257-1676.
For any information on the above, contact Kenny.