Feb 21st Devotional and Announcements


Dear family and friends,

Jesus said (Luke 21:3, 4), “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the others.  All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” Jesus’ words remind us that the true measure of generosity is not the size of the gift but the heart and the sacrifice behind it. 


Billionaire Warren Buffet reflected on his massive ($26 billion) donation to charity, saying that it did not impact his lifestyle – he could still enjoy all the same comforts as before.  Then he pointed to a deeper kind of generosity: the person who gives in a way that requires real sacrifice, foregoing a meal out or a movie night, or even a change in lifestyle. Buffet said that those people are the ones who reflect a true heart of generosity.


Another beautiful example of generosity is found in the churches of Mizoram, India, where followers of Christ practice “Buhfai Tham” – meaning “one handful of rice at a time.”  These families set aside a portion of their daily meals as an offering to God. 


Here’s how it works: Families in the church set aside a portion of rice at every meal for God.  When they collect enough rice, they donate it to their local church.  The church turns around and sells the rice to generate income. They’ve been doing this for many years.


In 1914 they used the sale of rice to raise $1.50 (in U.S. currency).  More recently, these Christians have collected over $1.5 million as they have supported 1800 missionaries, in addition to local ministries and outreach.  People have also started giving in other creative ways: bringing vegetables, firewood, and other resources to be sold for the church’s kingdom outreaches.


One church leader said, “There are many ways of serving the Lord.  Some people do great things.  Some people contribute lots and lots of money.  But when we talk about giving, we talk about the “handful of rice.”  We know it’s humble.  In fact, this service is done in the corner of the kitchen where nobody sees, but God knows and He blesses it.”


Another church member said, “It’s not our richness or our poverty that make us serve the Lord, but our willingness.  So we Mizo people say, "As long as we have something to eat every day, we also have something to give to God every day.”


Generosity isn’t about wealth, it’s about the heart.  Paul reminds us (in 2 Corinthians 9:7), “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


So, whether it’s a check (or probably a transfer) for $26,000,000,000 or a handful of rice, God sees the heart behind the gift and blesses those who give with love and sacrifice.


What could you do today, or this weekend, or this coming week (or all three) that you would consider a small, but a faithful act of generosity, “not reluctantly or under compulsion,” but because “God loves a cheerful giver.”


In preparation for the sermon this Sunday, read Luke 6:43-45. 





DISCIPLESHIP CLASS – Our next CLASS will be the discipleship class will be THIS Sunday, February 23 from 2-5PM in The Upper Room. Among subjects covered are how to study the Bible on your own, how to have an effective prayer life, etc.  For more information or to let him know you’ll attend, talk to Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785). If you have not yet taken this class you are invited to join us!


GUYS BREAKFASTMarch 1, at 8AM in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us for good food and fellowship. Please bring your favorite breakfast food to share. Our own David Charbonnet, who partners with Mike Uyboco in leading a bible study for Navy Seal Recruits, will be sharing. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Uyboco at 619-770-0348.


WOMEN’S RETREATFebruary 28 - March 2) – a place to be refreshed both spiritually and physically, surrounded by nature, where relationships can grow stronger, and solid Bible teaching is the foundation. Come away with us to Pine Valley for the weekend. Sign up now through February 16.


WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES: Moms of All Seasons begins February 28, 10-11:30AM in The Upper Room, Eileen Dameron facilitates, using ‘Prayers for Mama Bears’. Books and childcare provided – register through Susan Robinson or Lois Taylor. Romans – “In View of God’s Mercies” begins March 4, from 6:30-8PM in The Upper Room. Sign up with Lois if interested.


MEN’S RETREAT – “Stronger Together” (March 14-16): If you are looking to break away from the busyness of life and want to develop deeper relationships with CEBC men, this event is strongly recommended. Taking place at Rough Acres Ranch (#misnomer!) with primarily our CEBC body, this event promises to leave you feeling refreshed and energized. We look forward to having you there!


ALL CHURCH SERVICE PROJECT – Please pray for our East County Transitional Living Center service project happening Saturday March 29th as some of the details have not been worked out.  There are currently over 200 kids living with their parents at ECTLY.  One of the 14 projects we will be working on is donating and assembling three new play houses, converting a large area into a multipurpose play area including a basketball court, soccer field, climbing cargo nets, swings and a tetherball. Contact Bob Thomas (619-203-8604) or John Belcher (619-993-3549).


TIJUANA HOUSE BUILD – On Saturday, April 26th, Clairemont Emmanuel will be taking a day trip to build a house in partnership with Mexico Caravan Ministries. The cost is $85 per person and a passport is required to go. If you are interested in going or would like to donate to the cost of a house or provide scholarships, please contact Matt (matt.a.farr@gmail.com, 858-750-0709) or Maria Farr (maria.o.farr@gmail.com, 619-599-5693) or stop at the table on the patio Sunday.


MEMBER RICHARD BROWN IS WITH THE LORD. Richard Brown (wife, Stella, 5403 Cloud Way, San Diego, CA 92117; 858-688-2305) went home to be with the Lord last week.  Service information will be forthcoming. Please pray for Stella (and also a CEBC member, daughter Carolyn) and their greater family in this loss. 


WELCOME CARDS – are  located at the Welcome Table on the patio or in the acrylic containers on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one and fill it out if you’d like a call from a pastor, if you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, etc. Once filled out, put the cards in one of the white offering boxes on the wall in the sanctuary. You can also sign up and share a prayer request on-line at clairemontemmanuel.com.


RE | ENGAGE - CEBC MARRIAGE MINISTRY – Re | Engage classes are all full (Praise the Lord!).  If you’re interested in the next classes, or have questions, join our Facebook page and ask away! Go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1593636818217104


VETERANS – Gary Anderson is heading up our ministry to veterans.  If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, contact Gary at 858-769-6911 or at crazygrandpa5x@yahoo.com.


SILENT VOICES’ – Sharon Pearce has been a certified Natural Family Planning (NFP) instructor for 20 years.  If you would like to learn more about this or if you have any questions, contact Sharon at 619-851-5336 or sharonpearce2005@yahoo.com.


DEPLOYED – We currently have three of our young men who are deployed.  Please pray for Ian Rosse (Navy), Andrew VanKuren (Navy), Caleb Taylor (Coast Guard). Please let Pastor Kenny know of any other members or regular attenders who are deployed or away temporarily and please pray for them.


PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – If you’re aware of people who are sick or stuck at home or just lonely, pray for them and give them a call. Many of them have been contacted by you in the past and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them. If you’d like some ideas of who you could reach out to, contact Pastor Kenny.


GIVING – Some have asked if they can donate stocks and bonds to the church.  You can and if you are interested talk to Jessica Mohr in the office. You can give weekly in the white boxes on the wall in the sanctuary. 


OTHER ‘GUY’ CONNECTIONS – Men, pick one of these groups and join in!


·      Cycle Club: Russ Vande Vegte 619-990-9643 and Miles Phippen 619-209-0775 

·      Tues Bible study/Thurs Book club:  Paul Champlain 619-209-1237

·      Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Byron Harold 619-890-4393

·      Inductive Bible study: Dr David Wu 619-913-3021

·      Rock Climbing: Jonah Dumitru 858-232-2258  

·      Pickle ball: Dan Cassels 619-972-5976 (actually coed)

·      Book Club: Bruce Payne  858-220-4865 Time and location TBD

·      Hiking: John Kirk 858-531-3695 TBD

·      Surf Club:  Mike Uyboco 619-770-0348 TBD

·      Spartan Club: Charles Yin 619-581-0073 TBD


ALL WOMEN – are invited to a dedicated time of prayer each week on Thursdays at Tracy Rickert’s home at 1:45PM. Contact Tracy for more information at 619-376-0553.


SEE SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE AT CHURCH? – Please don’t assume that someone else will greet them.  Will YOU go up and introduce yourself to them and welcome them this Sunday to Clairemont Emmanuel!!


INTERESTED IN JOINING A SMALL GROUP? – Would you like to start or join a small group? Participants decide the frequency and scope of their gatherings. Small groups meet together for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Small groups are an integral part of our church community. Most meet regularly in the home of a group member. It may include dinner from time-to-time. If you haven’t found a group in your area, please let us know! Call or text Pastor Aaron if you’re interested. (If you’re interested in a women’s group, contact Lois Taylor at the church office.)


AFTER-SERVICE PRAYER – We will continue to invite people to come forward for prayer at the end of the service.  Please know that this is an invitation for you to come forward and pray about anything that God has put on your heart.  Of course to know the Lord, or to make spiritual decisions, but also to pray for anything personal you’d like prayer for. You might have a special prayer request for family, friends, work, etc.  Maybe it’s on your heart to come and pray for our pastors, missionaries, staff, youth, children, or one of our other ministries, etc.  Our team is available to pray with you about anything God puts on your heart. Please come and join us. 


ISRAEL TRIP (FEB/MAR 2026) – If you are interested in joining Pastor Kenny and Cathy and a two-week Apologetics Study Bible Tour to Israel February 23 – March 8, 2026, contact Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785).  Eric Johnson will be a co-leader on this trip, and the plan is for archaeologist Joel Kramer to be with us for part of the time.  This trip was supposed to happen in Feb/Mar of 2024 but was canceled because of the Hamas invasion into Israel several months prior.  We will not go in 2026 if it is unsafe, but I do know that tourism is currently happening in Israel. The company that does a lot of the work for our trip, Pilgrim Tours, had two groups go to Israel in January and they had no issues.




Ministry Opportunities

LIVING WATERS/MEMBER CARE – Living Waters ministry would like to love on our CEBC members in times of need (surgery, illness, cancer treatments, death of loved one) as well as celebrations of life (wedding, birth, new home, etc.). If you know of a CEBC member that deserves some love please submit a prayer card addressed to Living Waters with member name and address and reason for care and our Living Waters team will make sure a card will be sent to them.

NEED PRAYER? MINISTRY – Community outreach prayer tent opportunity. For the past months on Monday evenings from 4-6PM (with the time change) in the upper parking lot, you may have seen a blue easy-up with “Need prayer?” signs and a couple of Clairemont Emmanuel people there to pray, talk to people and hand out Bibles and other information. If you’re interested in finding out more, stop by on a Monday evening or call/text Dan Cassels 619-972-5976.

MINISTRY TABLES – If you are a leader of one of our many ministries and would like a table on the patio, contact the office (619-276-1922) to schedule a Sunday! Plan to be at your table after both services.


SUNDAY AM BOOK TABLE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – If you love books and talking to people, consider being at the book table to talk about books as a possible ministry.  We are starting to sell some books (recommended by the Overseers) at the book table and so this volunteer opportunity would also involve taking money and making change. 


AV MINISTRY – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology / sound, but even if you don’t), contact Pastor Zach (858-322-2105), or one of the guys in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team.


AWANA HELPERS NEEDED – We can always use a few more dedicated volunteers to listen to our amazing children recite their Bible verses on Wednesday nights. Contact Timothy Hulbert to volunteer or for more information (619-247-8738 or timothy.l.hulbert1@navy.mil). Helpers are also needed to serve the Wednesday meals – talk to Lois Taylor.


AWANA MEAL PREP TEAM – is in need of additional volunteers. Please contact Lois Taylor or Jeanie Presley.


CHILDREN MINISTRY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES – There are opportunities for you to get involved in Children’s Ministry on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights! Contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Susan Robinson at 619-985-5188 or SusanAnnRobinson@gmail.com to get more information.



Sunday Mornings  from 10:05-12:05 with Babies through Preschool Age 

  • Baby Room Helper (1 Sunday per month) — Care for babies

  • Preschool Room Assistant (1 Sunday per month) — Assist with classroom activities while the teacher leads the lesson

  • Special Needs Helper (2 Sundays per month) — Assist a child with special needs



Sunday Mornings from 10:05-12:05 with Kindergarten through 5th Grade

  • Classroom Assistant (1 Sunday per month) — Assist with classroom activities while the teacher leads the lesson

  • Worship Leader (1 Sunday per month •10:30-11:00am) — Lead 2-3 songs during large group worship



Wednesday Nights from 6-8pm

  • Puggles — 2–3-year-olds (NEW!)

  • Cubbies — 3–5-year-olds

  • Sparks — Kindergarten-2nd Grade

  • T & T — 3rd-5th Grade

LIVING WATERS/FOSTER CLOSET – is in need of non-perishable food items for families in need. Items can be dropped off at 4347 Mount Henry Ave anytime or brought to Jeanie or Dale Presley at church.


LIVING WATERS/STRONG FAMILIES MINISTRY – We are seeking CEBC members who have a heart to help kinship/foster/adoptive families in and around Clairemont. Help includes shopping for particular items (funds reimbursement available), meeting with family to deliver items, preparing meals to drop off, text/call to family as support and prayer requests. If any of this interests you please contact jeanie.presley@gmail.com or 619-997-2079. 


WRITE A LETTER/CARD – Some of our seniors would LOVE to hear from you.  It doesn’t need to be long – just short and sweet – these folks would be ministered to when they find out you’re thinking of them:


Gloria Anderson, Villa Lorena, 14640 Via Fiesta, San Diego, CA 92127

Ruth Anderson, 2340 4th Ave. #211, San Diego, CA 92101 (NOTE NEW ADDRESS)

Stella Brown, 5403 Cloud Way, San Diego, CA 92117

Dave Costantino, 4560 Miami Way, San Diego, CA 92117

Dot Cullins, 11105 Hidden Glen Circle, #159, San Diego, CA 92131

Dean and Dona Fitzgerald, 2340 4th Ave  12, San Diego, CA 92108

Mary Gibsen, 8515 Costa Verde Blvd  1206, San Diego, CA 92122

Diane Hebert, 1543 Galveston St, San Diego, CA 92110

Don and Sharon Jackson, 2429 Pine St, San Diego, CA 92103

Gwen Soderberg, 4473 Charger Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117

Ken and JoAnn Wadleigh, 4806 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA 92117


If you know of others to add here, please text names and addresses to Pastor Kenny.


SILENT VOICES – Although they do not currently have a table on the patio, we have the opportunity to help restock the Silent Voices pantry with baby supplies (diapers, blankets, baby wipes, personal hygiene items, clothing, etc.). Silent Voices is a Christian pro-life pregnancy center founded by member Sharon Pearce, that provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, and support to mothers and babies in our community who need help. If you have any questions about the ministry outreach, please contact Sharon Pearce (619-851-5336) or Paul Champlin (619-209-1237).


GREETING AND USHERING – If you are interested in greeting and ushering, talk to Joe Dameron on Sunday morning or to Timothy Hulbert (first service) or Justin Hoech (second service).




2024 Class Schedule

·      All classes are held in The Upper Room from 2-5PM

·      Text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) if you’re interested in reserving a spot for any of these classes.

·      Our goal is that every member takes each one of the classes. 





MARRIED MOM WITH TWO CHILDREN has a room to rent to a female.  If you’re interested, contact Pastor Kenny. 


MISSIONARIES DON AND MARGARET LOWE – are looking for housing for the April-July 2025 time frame.  If you are aware of anything, please contact the Lowe’s or Pastor Nathan. 





DAD IN NEED OF A JOB – A CEBC dad recently lost his job and is in need of work to help provide for his family.  If you know of work something, please contact Pastor Kenny.

ELECTRIC SCOOTER – Like new and hardly used.  $2000 was paid for it new and someone is looking to sell it for $800. For a picture or more information contact Brian or Hillary Harrison at 619-301-8314.

MALE CAREGIVER WITH TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE – looking for a caregiving job.  Talk to Pastor Kenny if you’re interested. 

IN NEED OF A CAR – A member is looking for a used car to buy.  If you have one that you’re interested in selling, contact Pastor Kenny.

NEED A SAMSUNG REFIGERATOR/FREEZER? – It’s free and it works.  Contact Paul Moser (858-349-4902) if you’re interested.