What are “overseers” of the church?
We believe according to scripture that “elders/pastors/overseers are charged with general oversight, direction, and teaching of the Word of God in the local assembly” - D.A. Carson
What are the functions of the overseers?
Practitioner of the marks (preaching, administering the ordinances)
Meet with staff
Be disciplined and stick to a workable schedule
Graze - feed the flock
Guide - direct, model, equip, and keep the flock
Guard – from false teachers and false teaching
The 4 P’s – preaching, prayer, personal discipleship relationships, and patience
- Mark Dever (Deliberate Church)
Who are our Overseers?
I became a Christian at age 15 when I heard for the first time that God loved me personally and sent His Son, Jesus to pay the penalty for sin. I spent a year in San Diego after college and got involved at Clairemont Emmanuel where I met and married
Cathy in ‘79.After completing seminary, we moved back to Wheaton, IL and I
was an intern at College Church there, and taught part-time in the Christian Education department at Wheaton and in the Philosophy & Religion department at College of DuPage.
I was ordained at College Church of Wheaton in 1983, left for France in 1984, serving for 10 years at the European Bible Institute (as pro- fessor and Dean of Students. All of our children were born in France (Patrick, Jordan, Laura, Graham).
We returned to the U.S in June 1994 and began working as Claire- mont Emmanuel’s Associate Pastor, then voted in as Senior Pastor in 2002.
Nathan grew up as a missionary kid whose parents were sent out from Clairemont Emmanuel to Papua New Guinea in 1980. After graduating high school on the mission field in 1995 he returned to the U.S. and continued to make Clairemont Emmanuel his home church.
Nathan began serving as a volunteer every week in music ministry beginning in 1997. During this time, he attended Point Loma Nazarene University as a music major and his weekly ministry gradually turned into a staff position as Worship Arts Pastor in 2004.
In 2014 Nathan took on the additional position of Missions Pastor. He has been serving as an overseer since 2007. Nathan and his wife Kendra were married in 1999 and currently have three children in high school and college.
Shelbi and I were married in 1996 and started attend- ing CEBC in 1997. Its been a whirlwind of growth, exploration, challenges, and victories as we’ve par- ticipated in this local body of Christ.
We’ve been involved and served in several minis- tries in this church as we try to follow not only the example of our Savior but also the generations before us that have served this church so faithfully. We are so grateful for this church body and the folks that have poured into our lives and the lives of our three children, Mia, Cooper and Christian.
As a middle-schooler, I came to the conclusion that the Bible was true. On that foundation, God guided me to submission and new life in Him. Praise God!My family and I love Clairemont Emmanuel! You’ll
see me on Sunday morning with my wife Shannon, daughters Hannah, Lily, Faith, and my mother-in-law, Joy.
Born and raised in Battle Creek, MI. I became a Christian when I was five years old, fully under- standing my need for a Savior, and Christ’s amazing sacrifice for my soul. I was committed and gave many sermons after church from the back seat while driving home from church. I studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, majoring in Bible and Communication.
Sydney and I met at Kanakuk Institute and were married in December 2013. We moved out to San Diego to work at CEBC May 2014. We both love working with youth, the growth of students, and love to further the kingdom of God at Clairemont Emmanuel. Our family has grown to include Everette, Mabel, and now Jonny.
I have been a member of CEBC for 22 years. By God’s grace, I came to salvation at a young age, but came to a clearer fuller understanding later in High School and College. I attended San Diego Christian College where I met my wife Nina, and
married upon graduation, celebrating 26 years this year. Our son Beau is finishing his MBA and working. In the early years of our marriage, through our time in the Word, we felt called to missions and confirmed through the church elders here - left for Papua New Guinea in 2003, living among the Yembiyembi people for 13 years. By God’s grace, we became fluent in the language, devel- oped an alphabet, taught the Yembiyembi to read and write, trans- lated the scriptures, and saw the Yembiyembi church born and brought to maturity. In 2016, we returned to the U.S. and rejoined CEBC where we have been attending and serving since. In 2017 I was asked to be the President of Radius International and now lead our four campuses around the world.
Clairemont Emmanuel has been an important part of my life for 25+ years. I received Christ at a Jun- ior High retreat, attended church and Bible studies throughout school, and after moving to San Diego in 1983, began attending Clairemont Emmanuel.
Through the teaching and fellowship here, my wife Shelly and I have grown in our faith and developed deeper relationships with God. We feel blessed to have had loving congregational support and help while raising our three children.
Over the years I have been involved with various ministries, including Children’s Ministry and the Missions Trust Fund.
Raised in the Roman Catholic Church, but John sought a more intimate relationship with the Lord in college and law school, accepting Christ as his per- sonal Savior in ‘89.He met Lisa at a Christian retreat; they married in ‘93. Life has been blessed by the addition of their four children, Justin, Wesley (Karie), Zachary and Cassidy.
John began attending Clairemont Emmanuel while engaged to Lisa, and immediately became involved in the young married class (Heritage Builders). Service at Clairemont Emmanuel has includ- ed Board service as both a Deacon and Overseer, teaching in the toddler and pre-K Sunday school classes, as a Small Group leader, in Men’s Ministry, and is currently in charge of our Sunday morning Coffee Ministry.