HELP WANTED! - AWANA greatly needs a few more dedicated volunteers to listen to amazing children recite their Bible verses on Wednesday evenings, starting soon! For EXTRA blessings, you could even listen to AWANA verses from 6PM – 7PM prior to worshiping the LORD with your amazing voices at the Church choir practice (beginning at 7PM). Training for all volunteers will be September 10th (1-3PM). Please sign up before then with Timothy Hulbert (619-247-8738 or
CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP – If you are a veteran or active military, you should at least be aware of this group. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PDF with all the information. If you would like more information or have questions contact Dana
SEPTEMBER GUYS BREAKFAST - September 2, 8 AM in the Fellowship Hall Speaker: Mike Uyboco speaking on : “How to Survive an Ambush,” how our ‘habits of grace’ combat the attacks of the evil one. Men of all ages are invited – including sons and your unchurched buddies. Potluck – bring your favorite “guy food” for 6-8. For more information contact Todd Simpson 858-717-2939.
GUYS GAME DAY – On the FIRST Saturday of the month (next, September 2nd) following the men’s breakfast (from around 9:30AM – 11:30AM) we’ll be having an outdoor game time with pickleball and spike ball for guys aged 13 and up. ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME. Two courts on the west side of Fellowship Hall, lower area – outside of the Youth Room. Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game and open play. Paddles are available or bring your own. If you have any question, call, or text Russ VandeVegte at 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels at 619-972-5976.
PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS - Sunday, September 3 at 12 PM in The Upper Room. Sign up on the back of your Welcome Card or talk to Pastor Kenny. Are you new? Unsure who the Pastors are? Want to meet some others who are newer to the church? Join us for Mountain Mike’s Pizza and we all can get to know one another. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET BEEN TO THIS LUNCHEON, COME AND JOIN US!
PRIMETIMERS LUNCHEON - Wednesday, September 13, 12 PM in The Upper Room - $5 per person / Seniors, we would love to have you join us for a catered lunch and a time of fellowship. Sign up on the back of your Welcome Card.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS - September 10, 2-5 PM in The Upper Room. If you would like to be a part of the Clairemont Emmanuel family or are interested in learning more about the church, join Pastor Kenny for this time. You can call or text him if you have any questions (619-508-3785).
MINISTRY FAIR – September 10th, 10:00-10:45AM on the Patio. Join us for an extended time of fellowship as you tour through some of the different ministries we have to offer. See where you might fit in. If you are a ministry leader please contact Jessica in the church office to confirm your table. jessica@ or 619-276-1922.
EMMANUEL WOMEN - “Hope Abounds” day-retreat Saturday September 16, 9am-3pm.We’ve got a great day planned - $20 covers all the food, fellowship, fantastic speakers, workshops & worship you will enjoy that day! Stop by our ministry table on the patio (or in the foyer this week) to sign up or for more information.
MEN’S PINE VALLEY RETREAT – It’s that time of the year again as the men of CEBC will be heading to Pine Valley for our annual retreat. The retreat will be Friday, September 29th thru Sunday, October 1st . This year’s speaker will be Miguel De La Mora and his message will be “Fight! Winning the Battles that Matter Most.” You will have an opportunity to sign up for the entire retreat or Saturday sessions only. Accommodations will be the same as previous years. Sign-ups will begin Sunday, September 3rd in the courtyard and will last thru September 24th . If you should have any questions about the retreat, please contact Paul Champlin at 619-209-1237.