AV MINISTRY – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology/ sound), contact Michael Schenk via email mikeschenk@me.com or Stephen Carpenter in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team. We have recently lost a couple folks who have moved away and are looking for some others to help in this area!
CO-ED PICKLE BALL AT CEBC – on the third Saturday of the month (September 16 is the next opportunity). Pickleball games and lessons will be available for men and women ages 13 and up from 8:30AM - 10:30AM. All skill levels are welcome. Two courts on the west side of Fellowship Hall, lower area. Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game, and enjoy open play. Paddles are available or bring your own. If you have any questions, text or call Dan Cassels (619-972-5976) or Russ VandeVegte (619-990-9643)
◦ Start date is September 21, 2023.
◦ Meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
◦ Time of a meeting could be either 6:30 or 7 (TBD based on attendees needs).
◦ Meet at our home for the study. Linda Vista (behind USD Campus)
◦ Agenda - 90 minutes total, 15 minutes of intros, one hour of Bible study, then 15 minutes of prayer.
◦ Study the book of 1st Corinthians.
◦ Inductive Bible Study method.
- Contact (new member) Miles (Becca) Phippen - 619-209-0775
ALL WOMEN are invited to a dedicated time of prayer each week on Thursdays at Tracy Rickert’s home at 1:45PM. Contact Tracy for more information at 619-376-0553.
SEE SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE AT CHURCH? – Please don’t assume that someone else will greet them. Will YOU go up and introduce yourself to them and welcome them this Sunday at Clairemont Emmanuel!!
OTHER GUY CONNECTIONS – Men, pick one of these groups and join in – especially this summer!
1. Men’s golf group - Mark Ritter (541-219-9184). Going again soon!
2. Inductive Bible Study method - David Wu (619-913-3021) Saturdays 730-8:30am
3. Men’s Surf / Breakfast club - Mike Uyboco (619-770-0348) Wednesday mornings 530am.
4. Running Club - Charles Yin (619) 581-0073 currently forming, will determine day/time.
5. Tuesday morning Bible study, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619) 209-1237
6. Thursday morning book club, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619) 209-1237
7. Thursday “Happy Hour”. Bay Hill Tavern. 5PM. Todd Simpson (858-717-2939)
8. Saturday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Saturday morning - except for the 1st Saturday of the month. Fellowship Hall, 7AM. Byron Harrold 619-890-4393
9. Grace Book Club. CEBC. Bruce Payne, 858-220-4865
10. Guys Game Saturdays. Pickle Ball, etc. 1st Saturday morning of each month, following the men’s prayer breakfast Russ VandeVegte 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels at 619-972-5976.
INTERESTED IN JOINING A SMALL GROUP? Would you like to start or join a small group? Participants decide the frequency and scope of their gatherings. Small groups meet together for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Small groups are an integral part of our church community. Most meet regularly in the home of a group member. It may include dinner from time-to-time. If you haven’t found a group in your area, please let us know! Call or text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) or Sean Hibbs (619-920-4196).
KNIT TOGETHER – This service project group knits/crochets for local ministries, including Silent Voices and Spectrum Ministries to name a couple, and meets monthly on the third Saturday of every month in Class #4 just off the sanctuary – the next meeting is September 16th at 1PM.Yarn enthusiasts and eager learners should contact Lois Taylor for more details at 858-212-1289 or lois@clairemontemmanuel.com.
PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – If you’re aware of people who are sick, or stuck at home, or just lonely, pray for them and, by all means, give them a call! Many of them have been contacted by you and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them.
AFTER-SERVICE PRAYER – We will continue to invite people to come forward for prayer at the end of the service. Please know that this is an invitation for you to come forward and pray about anything that God has put on your heart. Of course to know the Lord, or to make spiritual decisions, but also to pray for anything personal you’d like prayer for. You might have a special prayer request for family, friends, work, etc. Maybe it’s on your heart to come and pray for our pastors, missionaries, staff, youth, children, or one of our other ministries, etc. Our team is available to pray with you about anything God puts on your heart. Please come and join us.
PARKING – As much as possible, we want to leave our parking lots at church for those who may be somewhat infirm and for families. So, if you’re young and/or able-bodied, could you please park on one of the nearby streets. Thank you.
WELCOME CARDS – are located at the welcome table on the patio or in the acrylic containers on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one and fill it out if you’d like a call from a pastor, if you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, etc. Put the cards in the white offering boxes on the wall. You can also sign up and share a prayer request on-line at clairemontemmanuel.com.
RICK SCIASCIA – former CEBC member passed away recently. Rick’s wife, Laura, invites you to a memorial service that will be held for Rick at Pomerado Church in Poway (12708 Stone Canyon Rd) on Saturday, September 16 at 10AM.