March 29 Devotional and Announcements

March 29 Devotional and Announcements

Dear family and friends,

Before he became a Christian, Lee Strobel described himself as a hardcore atheist. He said, “I lived an immoral, drunken, profane, narcissistic, self-destructive kind of life.” Even though he was an award-winning journalist for the Chicago Tribune, his life was a wreck.

His wife, Leslie, had a Christian friend in their condo building who led her to faith in Christ and she started going to church. Strobel considered Christians to have made up the idea of God to overcome their fear of death, but he figured he didn’t have anything to lose to go to church once with his wife. The pastor’s sermon he heard that day was, “Basic Christianity” and Strobel left with a lot to think about. One thought he said he had was this: “If this stuff is true, it has huge implications for my life.”

This led him on a fact-finding project that ultimately led him to faith and to proclaiming and defending the gospel. He is known especially for two books, “The Case for Christ” and “The Case for Faith,” both of which are worth reading if you have not yet done so.

March 22 Weekly Announcements

March 22 Weekly Announcements

PARKING - If you are healthy and able please park on the of the side streets over these next couple weeks - at least through Easter.  As much as possible, we want to leave our parking lot for those who are not able-bodied, families with small children, the elderly, and those who are our guests.  Thank you. 
GUESTS - If there are people you see that you don’t recognize, assume that they are new and introduce yourself to them and welcome them to our campus.  Even if they happen to be someone who’s been around for a while, you can enjoy meeting somebody new.  
GRADUATES - If you are graduating from any school or program this Spring, or you know someone at church who is, please let the office know ASAP as we want to honor you/them.  
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE – March 29, at 7 PM in the sanctuary we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper together. You are invited to join us! Childcare will be offered for 0-5 year olds in The Ark.
EASTER SCHEDULE (March 31st) - Sunday worship at 8:30 and 11AM. It will be the same service musically and the same message. A catered breakfast will be served in Fellowship Hall from 9:00-10:30AM. Our kids program will happen in both The Ark and The Harbor during second service. Please invite your family and friends! If you are able to park in the street and walk a little, we want to save parking for our seniors and handicapped, families and guests. Thank you! (There will be nothing special for children at the 8:30AM service. Also, Adult Sunday Schools will not meet on Easter morning.)

March 15 Weekly Announcements

March 15 Weekly Announcements

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE – March 29, at 7 PM in the sanctuary we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper together. You are invited to join us! Childcare will be offered for 0-5 year olds in The Ark.

GUYS BREAKFAST – April 6, at 8 AM in the Fellowship Hall, Mike Price, a member of the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team, will continue our 2024 discussion on Servant Leadership. Beginning with the question “What is God’s view of work?” Mike will be sharing some principles that enable and encourage men to use their influence for God’s Kingdom through their work. Guys of all ages are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. As always, it’s potluck, so be sure to bring your favorite guy food for 6-8 guys.

PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS – Sunday, April 7 at 12 PM in The Upper Room Sign up on the back of your Welcome Card or talk to Pastor Kenny Are you new and have you not yet been to this event? Unsure of who the pastors are? Join us so we can all get to know one another.

March 8 Weekly Announcements

March 8 Weekly Announcements

TIME CHANGE - Remember to get to bed an hour earlier on Saturday night because we lose an hour of sleep this weekend.

CONSTRUCTION WORK ALONG CLAIREMONT DRIVE – Construction work continues along Clairemont Drive and, because of barriers they’ve put up, if you’re coming from the direction of Balboa Ave, it’s impossible to turn left onto Galveston from Clairemont Drive, so you will need to go to Denver Street, turn left there, and enter the church from the Ingulf Street side.  This construction does look to be in place for some time to come.

March 1 Weekly Announcements

March 1 Weekly Announcements

CONSTRUCTION WORK ALONG CLAIREMONT DRIVE – Construction work continues along Clairemont Drive and, because of barriers they’ve put up, it is impossible to turn left onto Galveston. If you are coming down Clairemont Drive from Balboa, you can go to Denver Street and do a U-turn to come back up toward the church. This construction does look to be in place for some months to come.

CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP - Are you a Vet of any branch of military service? Please stop by our table tomorrow to sign up for our newsletter and find out about upcoming events.

THE MISSIONS COURSE - continues tomorrow at 3:30PM in the sanctuary. We look forward to seeing those who are attending.

Feb 23 Weekly Announcements

Feb 23 Weekly Announcements

CONSTRUCTION WORK ALONG CLAIREMONT DRIVE – Construction work continues along Clairemont Drive and, because of barriers they’ve put up, it is impossible to turn left onto Galveston.  If you are coming down Clairemont Drive from Balboa, you can go to Denver Street and do a U-turn to come back up toward the church.  This construction does look to be in place for some months to come.

CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP - Are you a Vet of any branch of military service?  Please stop by our table tomorrow to sign up for our newsletter and find out about upcoming events.

THE MISSIONS COURSE - continues tomorrow at 3:30PM in the sanctuary. We look forward to seeing those who are attending.

Feb 9 Weekly Announcements

Feb 9 Weekly Announcements

CONSTRUCTION WORK ALONG CLAIREMONT DRIVE – Construction work continues along Clairemont Drive and, because of barriers they’ve put up, it is impossible to turn left onto Galveston.  If you are coming down Clairemont Drive from Balboa, you can go to Denver Street and do a U-turn to come back up toward the church.  This construction does look to be in place for some months to come.

LIVING WATERS GIFT BAG-FILLING PARTY – February 11, (THIS SUNDAY following the baptism) in the Fellowship Hall Please join us in filling the ‘We See You’ Valentine gift bags after the second service in Fellowship Hall.

PRIMETIMERS LUNCHEON – All seniors, please join us for our special Valentine’s Day lunch and celebration. PLEASE NOTE: Because of how many have been coming, we are changing the location to Fellowship Hall starting on Wednesday, February 14 at noon. Please sign up on the back of your Welcome Card.

Class Schedule - Feb 2

Class Schedule - Feb 2

·      All classes are held in The Upper Room from 2-5PM
·      Text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) if you’re interested in reserving a spot for any of these classes.
·      Our goal is that every member takes each one of the classes.

March 10                                       Membership Class
April 21                                         Discipleship Class