Highlighted Announcements - Jan 12

Dear family and friends,

Thank you for praying for the staff as we met all day on Tuesday to plan out the year.  It was great to be together (and have Aaron Passmore with us!) and talk through a lot of what we did last year and think through how we can improve on what has been great times of teaching and fellowship.  I’ll be sharing some more about this later.  We have a great pastoral staff team who are here to love and care for you and provide excellent ministry.

The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, “And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’”

NFL football has entered the play-off season.  With that in mind, I find it instructive and very encouraging to hear from three current quarterbacks.

C.J. Stroud, the rookie quarterback for the Houston Texans (in the playoffs), said this: “Jesus laid His life on the Cross for us.  I really believe that.  This is bigger than just football.  Football is my platform.  Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is my purpose.”

Kirk Cousins, quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings: “Being a follower of Jesus means when culture goes one way and Jesus goes the other, you got to go with Jesus.  Even if that costs you something.”

Brock Purdy, quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers: “To be on fire for the Lord and to walk with Him is what life is all about for me.  I’m living ‘set apart’ from the world. The bottom line for me is that my identity is in Jesus and I’m going to roll with that. It’s not that I’m better than you, but I’m called to witness. I have this knowledge from the Spirit and I want to give it to as many people as I can.  This is what God has taught me in the past year and I want to continue to grow in that.”

You are also Christ’s ambassador, appointed to represent God to others.  It’s an honor and a responsibility to be His servant, and to tell others about His Kingdom.  Our job is to help populate that Kingdom and so part of being His emissary is to tell people about God’s plan for salvation so they, too, can become “citizens of Heaven” – this is what Paul calls us in Philippians 3:20, 21.

One thing that’s a bit scary is that when others see us, they know that we represent Christ and I find that non-Christians often have higher expectations for Christians than we do for each other.  So, here’s a question:  Do others around you, especially those who don’t know the Lord, see you as being a person who is kind, honest, who keeps your word, and who is forgiving, etc.  Those are just a few of the character traits that Jesus displayed every day. How do the people around you see God through your life?

Is there something you could change this week, something you could work on this year, to better reflect Jesus to those closest to you and also to the people in your world – those you come into contact with every day/week?

Wherever God places you (family, neighborhood, work), remember that you represent God to those people.  Paul said to Timothy (in 2 Timothy 2:15): “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.”

For this Sunday, we’ll be zeroing in on 1 John 2:15-17 and all three of those verses are memory verses.  These are really great and helpful verses to memorize and so see if you can memorize them – are at least read them over and meditate on them, before Sunday.


To read through all the other 
ANNOUNCEMENTS, click here.

To see the 
CLASS schedule, click here.

To see 
MINISTRY opportunities, click here.



READ THROUGH THE BIBLE – Whether you want to read through the Bible in a year or just keep track of your reading, we have a small half-sheet of paper that allows you to mark off every chapter you read.  These will be available at the welcome table this Sunday!

THE MISSIONS COURSE AT CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL – starts January 21st. NOTE THE TIME CHANGE: 3:30 – 6PM. Cost per person $50. Register on-line through the Missions Course themissionscourse. com/inpersonregistration/clairemontemmanuel. We believe God has an important role for you – and the Church – to play in The Great Commission. The Missions Course exists to help you discover that. Formatted as a six-week course, The Missions Course will introduce you to (or remind you of) God’s heart for the nations and invite you to discover and play your role in it – whether here or overseas! We will now be offering a children’s program during that time – also on missions.

INDIAN HILLS FAMILY DAY – All are welcome to join us for a day of fun outdoor activities on Saturday, February 24th from 10am-2pm at Indian Hills Camp in Jamul. Invite your friends! Registration can be found on our website. We will be joined by families from ECTLC and Living Waters/Strong Families ministry. The entrance cost is $15 per person (age 0-5 free) and lunch will be provided. Scholarships are available. We’d like everyone to be able to be there! LIVING WATERS is requesting donations of individually wrapped candy to include in our ‘We See You’ and

VALENTINE’S GIFT BAGS – Donations can be brought to Presley family at church or dropped off anytime at 4347 Mt Henry Ave, San Diego, CA 92117. ALSO, please join us in filling the ‘We See You’ gift bags after the second service in Fellowship Hall on Sunday February 11th.

EMMANUEL WOMEN – New Bible study sessions begin this month! Choose from Genesis, Jonah, James, Isaiah, Colossian/Philemon. Email Lois@clairemontemmanuel.com for more detailed information.

LIVING WATERS/STRONG FAMILIES MINISTRY is requesting new or gently used Christian children’s books to be provided at our monthly free family events. They can be dropped off anytime with Jeanie Presley at 4347 Mt Henry Ave, San Diego, CA 92117.

LIVING WATERS/’WE SEE YOU’ MINISTRY is asking for gently used warm clothing and blankets. Donations can be dropped off at any time at Solway Church 4747 Soledad Mountain Rd, San Diego, CA 92109 or Presley home.

2024 TITHE BOOKS are available to pick up in the foyer by the stairs to the Ark level. If you cannot find your name and would like a book, contact Lois at 619-276-1922.

MEN'S MINISTRY - Guy's Survey! The Men’s Ministry team wants to know how we can better serve you. Please stop by our table (on the patio) today to fill out our survey to share your needs. Also today, the Men’s ministry “leverage your life” groups will be on the patio in between services to offer men opportunities to get plugged in with other guys in various settings ranging from golf to surfing to pickle ball and more.

EMMANUEL WOMEN - New Bible study sessions begin this month! Choose from Genesis, Jonah, James, Isaiah, Colossian/Philemon. Email Lois@clairemontemmanuel.com for more detailed information.

LIVING WATERS MINISTRIES requests donations of individually wrapped candy to include in our AWANA and We See You Valentines gift bags. Donations can be brought to Presley family or dropped off anytime at 4347 Mount Henry Ave. Also, please join us 2/11 after second service in Fellowship Hall to help fill our gift bags.

PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – Especially during these next weeks, between now and Christmas, if you’re aware of people who are sick or stuck at home or just lonely, pray for them and give them a call. Many of them have been contacted by you and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them.

SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN” is a Christ-centered organization that provides safe, temporary homes for families in crisis. “Safe Families” works through volunteers that are willing to become “Host Families.” These volunteers open up their homes temporarily to children in our community who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, etc. or whose parents are dealing with a crisis of their own, without any support. The intent is to provide safe shelter for the children, relief and support to the parent(s), and ultimately to help strengthen the family and get them back on their feet.
If you are interested in getting more information or becoming a volunteer “Host Family”, please contact Jona (858-232-2258) or Brooke Dumitru (951-553-6578).

SENIOR MINISTRY - If someone has availability during the morning to sit with member Gwen Soderberg as she gets back on her feet. She would welcome the company and needs a morning 'nudge' to eat and get moving. Anyone that can assist during the weekdays (typically from 9-10am) can call or text Sonja D'Anneo, who is coordinating helpers at 858-775-4365.

WELCOME CARDS – are located at the Welcome Table on the patio or in the acrylic containers on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one and fill it out if you’d like a call from a pastor, if you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, etc. Once filled out, put the cards in the white offering boxes on the wall in the sanctuary. You can also sign up and share a prayer request on-line at www.clairemontemmanuel.com .

CHILDREN MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – A lot of children are a blessing.  That also means that we have need for a lot of volunteers to help out.  Some folks have responded (Thank you!!) but we are still looking for dedicated leaders to minister to our children on Sunday mornings. Contact Susan Robinson at 619-985-5188. Specific updated needs are listed below.

Harbor (10:05-12:05)
Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Harbor Assistant (4)
1-2 Sundays per month
Help with check-in, bathroom breaks, and help in classrooms when needed

Kindergarten helper (1)
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom management while the teacher leads the lesson

Worship Leader (1)
1 Sunday per month
Lead the music during large group worship (leading motions along with videos is fine!)

Ark (10:05-12:05)
Babies through Preschool Age

Ark Assistant (4)
1-2 Sunday per month
Help with check-in/out, bathroom breaks, and help in classrooms when needed

Baby / Monkey Room helper (2)
1 Sunday per month
Care for babies during

Preschool / Toucan Room helper (1)
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom management while the teacher leads the lesson

Special Needs leader (2)
2 Sundays per month
Be a “buddy” for a child with special needs

AV MINISTRY – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology/ sound), contact Pastor Zach (858-322-2105) or one of the guys in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team. We have recently lost a couple folks who have moved away and are looking for some others to help in this area!

COFFEE MINISTRY - Do you love coffee, donuts, and people? We would love for you to join us in serving Sunday mornings, once a month, with the coffee ministry. Please contact John Kirk at john.f.kirk@gmail.com or 858-531-3695.

HELP WANTED! - AWANA greatly needs a few more dedicated volunteers to listen to our amazing children recite their Bible Verses on Wednesday evenings! For EXTRA blessings, you could even listen to AWANA verses from 6PM – 7PM prior to worshiping the LORD with your amazing voices at the Church choir practice (beginning at 7PM). Please speak with Timothy Hulbert for more information.

SMALL GROUP – Adults only small group meeting every other Friday night from 7PM-8PM to review  and discuss the sermon notes from the previous week’s sermon, prayer and fellowship in a home-based small group at 5336 Winthrop Street in Clairemont. Contact Kevin or Mary Lightcap if you have any questions at 619-750-1150. This small group just recently started, but if you’re looking for a group, please contact them ASAP!

CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP – If you are a veteran or active military, you should at least be aware of this group.  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PDF with all the information.  If you would like more information or have questions contact Dana at danaretired@gmail.com.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM IN CHULA VISTA – Graham will do an evangelistic crusade on Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 5PM at the North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre (2050 Entertainment Circle, Chula Vista, CA 91911).  If you’re interested in being a counselor at this event, or just have some excellent training on how to share your faith, you can attend a three-hour training that will help equip you to confidently share God’s love with others – and deepen your own faith.  There are two dates of classes that are in our area.

Saturday, January 27, 2024, 9AM-12 noon at Canyon Ridge Baptist Church, 6866 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, CA 92111.

Thursday, February 1, 2024, 6-9PM at Shadow Mountain Community Church – Main Campus, 2100 Greenfield Drive, El Cajon, CA 92019.

Thursday, January 25 at 7PM, the Franklin Graham group will also be hosting a night of worship and prayer at Ocean View Church, 2460 Palm Avenue, San Diego, CA 92154.