WANTED: ROOM TO RENT - Studio or Granny Flat – A single 30s male CEBC member looking to rent a 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom studio or granny flat. If interested, please call/text Charles at 619-431-3104. Thank you!
MEMBER 68-YEAR-OLD MALE – looking for housing – room, studio, granny flat or house/apartment to share. Contact Ferd at 619-251-2191.
WANTED – CEBC SINGLE GAL to join two other single gals in sharing apartment.
SINGLE CEBC GAL WITH CAT – Looking for a room to rent or to help share expenses.
YOUNG CEBC COUPLE LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE – They have a two bedroom/two bath apartment in La Mesa and are looking to rent out one of the rooms for $1300 a month. If interested or know someone who is, contact Jacob (619-608-0144) or Christina Bell (858-405-1137).