Pastors Appreciation Month - Oct 27




At CEBC we are blessed with an amazing pastoral stuff!  Our pastors are some of the most dedicated, selfless people I know, and I’m sure you feel the same.  October is “Pastor Appreciation Month” and it’s the perfect opportunity to “give back” to those who serve us so faithfully as servant leaders.  I encourage you to take a few minutes to think of something creative that you can do for one of our pastors, as well as their families.  

How about an old fashioned letter or “thank  you” card sharing something that  you really appreciate about them, or remembering a specific time when they blessed you.   If you have children perhaps they can make a special “thank you” art project!  Or maybe make a fun “selfie” video as a family that you can send to them to surprise them with; or a gift of some type.

Regardless of what you might consider, the important thing is to communicate how much you appreciate them, and the sacrifices that they make!  In 1 Timothy the apostle Paul reminds us that “those whose work is preaching and teaching” are worthy of “double honor” (1 Tim 5:17).

This month is a GREAT time to take those words to heart and bless those who serve CEBC with such love and dedication.  

Maybe the bottom line is that we shouldn't need a Pastor Appreciation Month - we should do it all the time ! We are so blessed to have the pastors we do. 

Todd Simpson, 
Deacon (Men's Ministry)