Highlighted Announcements - Oct 13

CHILDREN MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – A lot of children are a blessing.  That also means that we have need for a lot of volunteers to help out.  If you are available


Kindergarten helper (1)
3rd Sundays starting in November

1st & 2nd grade Helper (2)
3rd / 4th Sundays

Special Needs leader (2)
1st & 2nd Sunday
3rd & 4th Sunday

Worship Leader (1)
1 Sunday a month

Bible Story Leader (1)
1 Sunday a month

Check-in/out assistant (4)
Any Sunday of the month


Monkey Room helper (2)
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday

Toucan Room helper (1)
3rd Sunday

Check-in/out assistant (4)
Any Sunday of the month

FALLFEST • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28TH • 11AM-2PM Join us for our fall carnival with activities for all ages! We’ll have a photo booth, face painting, carnival games, food, cotton candy, and prizes! Everything will be FREE!!! There will also be inflatables including a bouncy house, Ninja Obstacle Course, World of Sports Games, and Bungee Basketball Run! Costumes are encouraged (but not necessary) for children and adults. Many volunteers will be needed for this outreach event. Please consider signing up for a one-hour shift or leading an area for the event. It will be a great time for all! SIGN UP ON THE PATIO TOMORROW!!! For sign-ups on-line:
 – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology/ sound), contact Pastor Zach (858-322-2105) or one of the guys in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team. We have recently lost a couple folks who have moved away and are looking for some others to help in this area!
 - Do you love coffee, donuts, people? We would love for you to join us in serving Sunday mornings, once a month, with the coffee ministry. Please contact John Kirk at john.f.kirk@gmail.com or 858-531-3695.
 greatly needs a few more dedicated volunteers to listen to our amazing children recite their Bible Verses on Wednesday evenings! For EXTRA blessings, you could even listen to AWANA verses from 6PM – 7PM prior to worshiping the LORD with your amazing voices at the Church choir practice (beginning at 7PM). Please speak with Timothy Hulbert for more information.
 – On the FIRST Saturday of the month (next time will be Saturday, November 4th) (from 9:30AM – 11:30AM) we’ll be having an outdoor game time with pickleball and spike ball for guys aged 13 and up.  ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME. Two courts on the west side of Fellowship Hall, lower area – outside of the Youth Room.  Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game and open play.  Paddles are available or bring your own.  If you have any question, call, or text Russ VandeVegte at 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels at 619-972-5976.
“A VOICE FOR LIFE” – Friday, October 13th (TONIGHT!!) at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. Individual Tickets are $25/Person. Host Group Tickets are $160/Table of 8. For more information visit: https://mailchi.mp/silentvoices/2023-banquet.  PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS IMPORTANT EVENT AND INVITE A FRIEND OR A TABLE OF FRIENDS!  The speaker is Dr. Ron Archer was born prematurely to a 17-year-old single mother after multiple abortion attempts being forced upon her, Archer was born with a severe learning disability and stuttering disorder. His life was plagued by extreme poverty, ridicule, and abuse. Through his compelling life story, you will clearly see a journey that led him from pain to power, from wounds to wisdom, and from failure to fortune. The Lord led him from the outhouse to the White House where he served as an advisor to several U.S. Presidents, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Foreign Prime Ministers and other World Leaders. When you listen to what he has to overcome to get where he is today, it will bring tears of joy to your heart and soul.
 - Saturday, October 14th, in The Upper Room, from 9 to 11AM. This class introduces you to a step-by-step method about how to study the Bible. Come and join us as we learn how to know God better through His Word. Handouts will be provided, just bring your Bible! Led by Judy Wu, who has taught this method for 20 years. Register at our table TODAY.
 – This service project group knits/crochets for local ministries, including Silent Voices and Spectrum Ministries to name a couple, and meets monthly on the third Saturday of every month in Class #4 just off the sanctuary – the next meeting is October 14th (TOMORROW!!) at 1PM. Yarn enthusiasts and eager learners should contact Lois Taylor for more details at 858-212-1289 or lois@clairemontemmanuel.com.
 – October 15 (THIS SUNDAY!!!) at noon in The Upper Room.  If you are currently a Sunday School or small group leader or are interested in leading a small group, please join us for this lunch meeting. You can sign up on the back of a welcome card to let us know you’re coming.
 – Saturday, October 21, 11:30 AM - 1 PM If you’ve been missing our Christmas Tea in recent years, why not ‘dress up’ your table at home and host a Let’s Do ‘Tea’?! Sign-ups begin THIS SUNDAY, October 1 to either Hostess, or to be a guest in a Hostess’ home.
 - Saturday, October 21st from 6AM-7PM(somewhat dependent on the border crossing). We will leave and return to our church parking lot in provided vehicles. Travel Requirements: Passport, MCM General Release, CEBC Waiver and Release of Liability. Cost: $85 per person (for building materials – 1 house =$1500). If you are unable to go but would like to donate to the cost of a house or provide scholarships, please talk with Pastor Nathan 619-261-3330 or nathan.rson@gmail.com.
 – Sunday, October 22, 2023, from 2-5PM in The Upper Room.  This is the third class, but you do not need to take them in order.  In this class we talk about spiritual gifts, about the ministries of Clairemont Emmanuel and we look at what we can learn about ministry from the Apostle Paul.  If you have not yet taken this class, contact Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) to sign up or for more information. Our goal is that every Clairemont Emmanuel take all four courses.  We believe all the classes will help to equip you to live the victorious Christian life.
 is coming to San Diego from November 17-19! This marriage conference blesses those who attend, and many testify that it helped improve or even save their marriage. Be sure to put CEBC in the group name when you sign up. https://events.familylife.com
 – Adults only small group meeting every other Friday night from 7PM-8PM to review  and discuss the sermon notes from the previous week’s sermon, prayer and fellowship in a home-based small group at 5336 Winthrop Street in Clairemont. Contact Kevin or Mary Lightcap if you have any questions at 619-750-1150. This small group just started, but if you’re looking for a group, please contact them ASAP!
 – If you are a veteran or active military, you should at least be aware of this group.  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PDF with all the information.  If you would like more information or have questions contact Dana at danaretired@gmail.com or stop by the table on Sunday.


PRESCHOOL TEACHING POSITION - Full time position open for Teacher Assistant at Grace Kids Preschool, a faith-based center, located in the North Park area.  Minimum of six units early childhood education classes required.  $18-$20/hr, depending on experience and units. Contact CEBC member Mary Moser at

DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT AND ADMISSIONS – Pacific Theological Seminary in San Diego is seeking a part-time Director of Recruitment and Admissions. The director’s primary responsibilities will include identifying, cultivating and recruiting a growing number of students to the seminary and to actively generate and foster influencers and stakeholders to become partners in the mission of the seminary. If you have questions about this position you can talk with CEBC member Dave Redelings (858-228-0785).  Please email Seminary President Kent Eaton at 
kent.eaton@pacificseminary.org to apply. Download Job Description at https://www.pacificseminary.org/jobs