Home fellowships and small groups will continue to meet.
All of what we’re doing will help us be healthier in the end – hopefully both spiritually and physically.
As we are appropriately “socially distancing” ourselves from each other, will you pray for those you sit near on Sunday morning and call them this week, write them a note of encouragement or contact them on Facebook or some other social media site you frequent. Maybe even see if someone has a need you could reach out and meet.
Finally, please pray for our pastoral staff, our city of San Diego, our country, and the world. I do believe God will use this for His ultimate good.
Blessings to you,
March 13, 2020
Dear family and friends,
Our pastoral staff met again this morning (Friday) to talk about this ever-changing and unprecedented Coronavirus situation.
We as pastors are not fearful for ourselves but we do want to do what is best for you and for our entire church family.
If you missed the email I sent out on Wednesday, please find that and read it. If you don’t find the email, you can read it on the front page of our website. (It would be helpful if you could sign up for the emails if you do not currently receive them.)
We have made some changes for this Sunday and so please read carefully:
We do believe the following measures will keep us all safer:
WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN - The number one action we can take is to frequently wash our hands for 20 seconds with soap and water. No disinfectant alone is more effective than simple hand-washing. Pay special attention to your washing your fingertips – that’s what we use to touch things with the most.
- You are 65 years or older and not in excellent health – then take a couple Sundays off.
- You’ve recently experienced symptoms associated with the flu or common cold (temperature, coughing, headaches, chills, etc) – then take a couple Sundays off.
- You’ve just visited one of the countries where the coronavirus has been more prevalent: China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Hong Kong or Japan – also take a couple Sundays off.
- You have a compromised immune system or other underlying health issue.
All of our bathrooms have been and will continue to be deep-cleaned and sanitized before Sunday morning, including door handles and light switches around the church.
We discourage any physical contact. Allow verbal greetings to be sufficient. Please avoid handshakes especially.
We have already said that we would not be serving treats on Sunday morning and have now added coffee and waters to that list.
We will not have any sign-ups on the patio Sunday morning. Call the church office (619-276-1922) or the person listed in the announcement to sign up for any upcoming activity (i.e. Easter Breakfast, Father/Daughter retreat, etc.)
Please don’t use pencils, envelopes, and cards.
We will have an offering Sunday morning but will not pass the offering bags. We will ask you to put your offerings in the same containers in which you normally put your welcome card. They will be attended.
Some have inquired and this may be a good time to consider:
GIVING – If you’re interested, you can send your offering in via check to Clairemont Emmanuel (2610 Galveston St, San Diego, CA 92110) or, if you’d like, you can sign up to give on-line. You can give via credit or debit card (but know that 2.5% is charged to the church to process each transaction). Just go to our website and click on the “GIVING” button on the top right of our home page to sign up.
We have decided to not have childcare in the Ark, children’s and adult Sunday School classes at least through the end of March.
IN NO WAY do we want to cause you unnecessary fear or anxiety and we respect whatever choice you make about coming to church. We are doing our best to follow county health guidelines and believe we will be well under the 250 people limit per service limit.
Please continue to use common sense and follow medical advice and we will stay on top of things here and inform you if and when changes happen.
Praise the Lord for technology.
If you decide to stay at home, please join us LIVE on YouTube at 9:00AM or 10:30AM every Sunday for the time being (we will be livestreaming both services). It will be ideal if you are able to watch through a smart TV, Apple TV, or the like, using the YouTube app or your TV’s web browser to access YouTube. But you can also watch it on a computer or tablet or your phone. All of our services remain on our YouTube channel so you can watch it later if you choose. You can access just the audio (not live) on the media page of our web site: www.clairemontemmanuel.com.
Please do not listen on Sunday mornings while you are doing 20 other things. Take the time to gather your family or maybe invite a friend over and listen together, sing the worship songs, take notes and enter into worship with us. Even share on Facebook that you are watching on-line and others may just join in.
If you have a Smart TV or an Apple TV, just go to the YouTube app and search “Clairemont Emmanuel” at 9:00 or 10:30 AM and it should automatically connect you. If you have any questions about connecting, you can call or text Zach Boyer and he will help you.
There will be no family dinners or AWANA at least until the end of March.